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Search Tips

  • Entering a search string with no other criteria (such as AND, NOT, or quote marks) will return some of the context around the words you entered (which are highlighted) as well as a link to the audio player for the class.
    That page will also have links to the video, transcript, and slides for that class.

  • Entering two search terms separated by the word AND will return links to all items which contain both of those terms as well as part of the description of each class.

  • Entering two terms separated by the word NOT will return links to all items which contain the first term but not the second term as well as part of the description of each class.

  • Entering a search string in quotes will return links to items that contain the exact phrase as well as part of the description of each class.

Codes & Descriptions

Class Codes
[A] = summary lessons
[B] = exegetical analysis
[C] = topical doctrinal studies
What is a Mini-Series?
A Mini-Series is a small subset of lessons from a major series which covers a particular subject or book. The class numbers will be in reference to the major series rather than the mini-series.

Search Results

Messages with tag - Gentleness

Colossians (2011)
Sunday, October 07, 2012
by Robert Dean
Passage: Colossians 3:18-21
Series: Colossians (2011)
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 18 secs
Like relationships within the Godhead, the divine institution of marriage is defined through roles, with equality in person and distinctness in role. Authority and submission are foundational. Without authority we are left on our own, doomed to failure in our relationship with God and every relationship that flows from that pattern. If the idea of submission makes you want to fight for control, look carefully at the submission of our Savior. Successful marriages function through roles God has prescribed. Circumstances, feelings and cultural trends don’t alter Truth. See the effective analogy of dance and marriage; success in marriage is a function of the correct application of authority and submission carried out within marriage’s unique framework of intimacy, love and respect.
Discipleship (2018)
Sunday, September 09, 2018
by Robert Dean
Passage: John 13:34-35
Series: Discipleship (2018)
Duration: 39 mins 29 secs
“Love Makes the World Go Round” The words of this song mirror the emphasis that is put on love, but what does the Bible say about it? Listen to this message to learn that Jesus ups the ante to His disciples by saying that we should love other believers as He loves us. Find out this includes the most obnoxious believer and comes only by walking by means of the Holy Spirit. See that this kind of love is the mark of a true disciple. Examine yourself to find how you love and treat other believers based on the Scriptural standard for love.
1 Thessalonians (2013)
Tuesday, October 02, 2018
by Robert Dean
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2:4-8
Series: 1 Thessalonians (2013)
Duration: 55 mins 59 secs
Help! Someone is attacking and slandering me unfairly. What should I do? Listen to this lesson to learn how the Apostle Paul says we should handle unjust social opposition and rejection. Find out several ways Paul boldly refuted the false charges against him and what his goal for his congregation was. See how he explained his motivation and past conduct without anger or bitterness in genuine humility and with love.
Ephesians (2018)
Sunday, June 27, 2021
by Robert Dean
Passage: Ephesians 4:1-3
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 51 mins 28 secs
If we’re gentle and meek with everyone, won’t they take advantage of us? Listen to this lesson to learn the biblical meaning of lowliness and gentleness. Find out they’re mental attitudes, not letting everybody walk all over you. If you’re thinking having these attitudes are impossible, you’re right but see what God has provided that can make them a part of your life. Hear two examples of people in Scripture who were examples of humility.