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Dean Bible Ministries has published the following books. You can order them by clicking on PLACE ORDER below.


What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Robert L. Dean Jr. and Dr. Thomas Ice

What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Warfare is now available to download in PDF format by clicking here.



God's Powerful Promises by Dr. Robert L. Dean

God’s Powerful Promises has now been published in 14 different languages. You can immediately download PDF files of the booklet in Afrikaans, Armenian, Bembo, English, French (Polynesian), German, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, and Ukrainian here.

(Links below are to PDF files in a printable format in English, Spanish, and Ukrainian)


Promises Thumbnail Ukr Cover


God's Powerful Promises is now available for free download. Select the English format you'd prefer:

For printing as a 2-sided booklet - English

For viewing/printing pages in numerical order - English.

The Spanish translation of God's Powerful Promises is available here:

Spanish version for viewing/printing pages in numerical order

God's Powerful Promises has been translated into Ukrainian and is now available for download.

For printing as a 2-sided booklet on A4 paper - Ukrainian


Ukrainian version for viewing/printing pages in numerical order


There is no price for these publications. The publishing of all printed material offered by Dean Bible Ministries is supported by grace donations.  

See our financial policy.

Book Order Form




Podcasts of all the Bible class series are now available. Just find the series you want to podcast and look for the podcast URL in the description of the series. Look for the podcast icon.


Transcripts Collection


UPDATED 5-9-20

Available for download is a file that will enable you to put over 2,500 transcripts and slides from Dr. Dean’s Bible studies on your computer for quick access plus the ability to search for key words, doctrines, verses, topics, etc.


This updated file includes the addition of new transcripts since 7/1/14.

Click here for more details.


Friday, 05 July 2024 18:37

Thursday Bible Class - July 4 - Independence Day Special

Independence Day Special: Is There a Future for Liberty?

Warning! Culture wars are raging around us and destroying western civilization. Listen to this message to learn about a biblical philosophy of history and how it contrasts with paganism with its demonic activity and human sacrifices. See that our most insidious enemy is an unseen spiritual warfare. Hear a number of biblical ways we can stand firm in the midst of these evil days.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Wednesday, 03 July 2024 19:04

Tuesday Bible Class - July 2 - Interlocked

Lesson 18, Part 2: Spiritual War within Ourselves – Part 2

Judges 150x150Do you understand the importance of spiritual growth after you have believed in Christ? Hear four things this growth is not and how to run the race that is set before each of us. See that we need to focus on how Christ lived His earthly journey and find out that it is through learning the Scripture and walking by means of God the Holy Spirit that we are matured.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Monday, 01 July 2024 18:29

Sunday Bible Class - June 30 - Ephesians

Understanding Beauty

What is beauty and how do we recognize it? Listen to this message to hear that our worldview determines how we interpret the details of our life, including our ideals of beauty. Hear a number of words that imply there is a standard for the arts and beauty, including church music. To gain an understanding of these matters we must learn God's revelation in the Bible.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Friday, 28 June 2024 19:28

Thursday Bible Class - June 27 - Philippians

Forgetting the Past Things

Do believers reach their spiritual goals and then take a break near the end of their life? Listen to this message to learn that as long as we are living we should be running the race that God has set before us. Find out that we are to align our goals and objectives with those God has set for us. Hear methods of Bible study including observation, interpretation, and application and see the importance of the context of a verse we are studying.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 18:38

Tuesday Bible Class - June 25 - Interlocked

Lesson 18, Part 1: Spiritual War within Ourselves

Judges 150x150What does the conquest of the Land and the destruction of evil in the Old Testament teach us about the spiritual growth of believers in the New Testament? Listen to this lesson to hear how the Israelites were told to destroy evil as they possessed the land. Learn that this is not something we can do in our own power, but the battle is the Lord's. See the importance of learning the Word of God so we can learn obedience and to trust in God.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Monday, 24 June 2024 19:19

Sunday Bible Class - June 23 - Ephesians

Elements of Worship

Is there a right way and a wrong way we should worship God? Listen to this message to hear that the Bible very precisely lays out the right way we are to worship God. Hear about two instances of wrong worship, one in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament, where God judged people who worshiped wrongfully. Learn about nine biblical elements of worship and understand that we must do it God's way and not go by how it makes us feel.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Friday, 21 June 2024 18:21

Thursday Bible Class - June 20 - Philippians

Reaching for the Goal

What are you pursuing in your life? Success? Comfort? Enjoyment? Listen to this lesson to learn that Jesus has goals for you. Hear a number of these objectives and their purposes and significance. See that God the Holy Spirit is working to conform us to the character of Christ and learn what occupation with Christ is. Take time to rethink your goals in light of this passage and ask yourself if you are pressing toward the goals that God has set before you.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Wednesday, 19 June 2024 19:09

Tuesday Bible Class - June 18 - Interlocked

Lesson 17, Part 3: Building Spiritual Life in the Israelites: Seven Key Events: Events #5–7

Judges 150x150Why did the Israelites constantly get into trouble during their conquest of the land? Listen to this lesson to hear about several times when they disobeyed God and disaster occurred, beginning with Achan and the conquest of Ai. Hear how his punishment affected his whole family. Learn about the longest day in the Bible when Joshua was tricked by the Gibeonites and God slowed down time for a day. Understand that incomplete obedience to God is the same as disobedience.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

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