Romans has always been one of the favorite books of thoughtful Christians. In this epistle, the apostle Paul logically delineates the foundation and structure of Christian doctrine. The righteousness of God has been accurately identified as the central message of this epistle. How the righteousness of God relates to a human history of suffering, pain, and injustice, has been a frequent question through the ages. In Romans, Paul's answer shows that this question cannot be addressed in a sound bite or executive summary. The character of God, the volition of man, the history of man's rejection of God, must form the backdrop to a serious discussion on the righteousness of God. But an accurate understanding of the righteousness of God also reveals to us the magnificence of God's grace and His gracious plan of justification available freely to all mankind.
But this does not stop with simple justification, but also explains God's righteousness in the life of the believer after salvation and how God's righteousness is vindicated in history as indicated through His faithful love for Israel.
Video DVDs of these lessons can be ordered here and here.
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