All Current Classes Podcast
We provide a podcast of all the current classes in one podcast to make it easy to never miss a Bible class. Just copy the following podcast URL into your podcast app.
• Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
• Completion of the Old Testament
• Preservation of the Old Testament
• Accuracy Demonstrated through the Septuagint (LXX), Masoretic Text (MT), Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS)
• What About Translations?
• God Still Speaks to Us through His Word
Is it true that God is finished with Israel because of their rebellion? Listen to this message to learn that God is not finished with Israel and will definitely still fulfill all His promises to them. The Church did not replace Israel. Hear how the Old Testament was accepted as Scripture under the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. Learn about how God saw to its preservation so today we can know that the original is accurate and we have the Word of God for our times.