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Galatians 5:16-23 teaches that at any moment we are either walking by the Holy Spirit or according to the sin nature. Walking by the Spirit, enjoying fellowship with God, walking in the light are virtually synonymous. During these times, the Holy Spirit is working in us to illuminate our minds to the truth of Scripture and to challenge us to apply what we learn. But when we sin, we begin to live based on the sin nature. Our works do not count for eternity. The only way to recover is to confess (admit, acknowledge) our sin to God the Father and we are instantly forgiven, cleansed, and recover our spiritual walk (1 John 1:9). Please make sure you are walking by the Spirit before you begin your Bible study, so it will be spiritually profitable.

1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)

1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)

February 2015 - November 2020

The quote from the title slide is from the words of a young David in 1 Samuel 17:37, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine”, that we derive the central theme for this study of 1st and 2nd Samuel, THE BATTLE IS THE LORD’s.

We all face overwhelming circumstances in our life and the only thing that can give us strength to overcome those horrific circumstances is a realization that it is not by our might or power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the only way that we can overcome and address the challenges that we have in life.

One scholar has praised the writing of Samuel: “It is no exaggeration to say that the author of Samuel produced what is still the best book ever written in the Hebrew language.”

In this series we will cover an array of significant biblical teachings on everything from how to face and surmount the giants in our lives, to biblical worship and praise, to the divine viewpoint of politics and leadership, to the importance of the Davidic Covenant and Messianic prophecies, and so much more. An understanding of these key teachings in Samuel is foundational to the rest of the Old Testament, the arrival and mission of the Messiah, the gospel, and many passages in the New Testament. Every believer should have a thorough understanding of the material covered in this series.

Note: Classes in this series are arranged with the most recent class appearing first.

Video DVDs of these lessons can be ordered here and here.

To view all video Bible studies in the 1st and 2nd Samuel series, click here (Vimeo) or here (YouTube).

To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software.
Tue, May 05, 2020
Passage: 2 Samuel 16:5-19
Duration: 1 hr 10 mins 40 secs
When a person or culture reject God’s truth, where do they turn for their values? Listen to this lesson to learn about mankind’s sin nature that results in arrogance without the truth of God’s Word. Find out about six arrogance skills that lead to a downward spiral of destruction. Hear about Shimei’s disrespectful, arrogant confrontation with David and how David responded in humility. Be on the alert for the deception of your own sin nature that must be countered by studying God’s Word.
Tue, May 12, 2020
Passage: 2 Samuel 16:15-19
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 44 secs
Did you ever have someone close to you turn against you? Listen to this lesson to hear how not only David’s son, but also his trusted advisor overthrew him and sent him fleeing from Jerusalem. In this chaotic atmosphere David had to decide whether to give in to fear and despair or to believe God’s promises. Today we face tremendous upheaval and we, too, need to remember that God is sovereign and His plan is being fulfilled in the world.
Tue, May 19, 2020
Passage: 2 Samuel 16:15-17:15
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 45 secs
When all around you is uncertain, where should you turn for help? Listen to this lesson to hear about a time when David appeared to be in a hopeless situation. Find out how God worked behind the scenes for him as his former counselor, Ahithophel, gave Absalom excellent advice which should have been followed. When we face a crisis, we need to accept that God is sovereign and we can trust Him to provide the help we need.
Tue, May 26, 2020
Passage: 2 Samuel 17:5-29
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 50 secs
Is there a pattern between David’s flight from Absalom that parallels Christ’s journey on His last night before the Crucifixion? Find out eight points that show the similarities. See how Hushai cleverly counters Ahithophel’s advice to kill David and what he urges David to do. See Ahithophel’s tragic end when he realizes what has happened. Today, we need to realize that we are being provided for by God just as David and his followers were cared for during this difficult time.
Tue, Jun 02, 2020
Passage: 2 Samuel 18:1-33
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 43 secs
What happens when a Christian tries to bring about his own will instead of God’s? Listen to this lesson to learn about a time when David forgot his responsibility to the people he ruled and told the army to protect his rebellious son, Absalom. Hear about the death of Absalom in the victorious battle and how David took this news. We, too, need to avoid putting family or anything else above God’s will.
Tue, Jun 09, 2020
Passage: 2 Samuel 18:33-19:8
Duration: 1 hr 9 mins 25 secs
Grief. How should Christians handle it? Listen to this lesson to learn biblical principles for grieving the loss of someone or some thing close to us. Understand that emotion is not a sin but that some of our reactions to loss can lead to sinful actions. Find out how Jesus grieved in the Garden of Gethsemane and when His friend, Lazarus, died. See how David’s grief for his rebellious son, Absalom, was harming the nation and how he accepted reproof and turned it around. Accept that everyone suffers loss but that we can trust that God’s plan is best when we suffer loss.
Tue, Jun 16, 2020
Passage: 2 Samuel 19:5-30
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 8 secs
After Absalom was killed and his rebellion crushed how did David resume his role as king? Listen to this lesson to learn how David treated his defeated enemies in grace with the exception of his own general, Joab, whom he replaced. Hear the two limited roles of government according to the Bible which our Founding Fathers followed. Just as David did, we need to learn to love our enemies and treat them in grace.
Tue, Jun 23, 2020
Passage: 2 Samuel 19:15-30
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 57 secs
Are godless socialist societies able to build utopias where all are treated equally? Listen to this lesson to learn that only God, not people with their sin natures, can bring about perfection. Hear how David treated Shimei and other enemies with grace. Find out how Mephibosheth was innocent of betraying David as Ziba had claimed. See how God used wealthy Barzillai to supply David’s needs. Personally, look for opportunities to extend grace to everyone in your life.
Tue, Jun 30, 2020
Passage: 2 Samuel 19:41-20:22
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 12 secs
What causes revolutions and rebellions? Listen to this lesson to learn that fallen mankind is always seeking to take power away from those with it. Find out about the rebellion of Sheba who was unwilling to submit to God’s authority. See how Joab pursued him and the advice he was given by a wise woman which ended the rebellion. When we face rebellion and chaos in our country we, too, need to deal with it in the wisdom from God’s Word.
Tue, Jul 07, 2020
Passage: 2 Samuel 15 & 2 Samuel 20
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 54 secs
How should we handle injustice in our nation? Listen to this lesson to learn biblical principles to guide us in our quest for justice for all. Hear an overview of who the protestors are who are currently rioting and what is behind their acts. Find out how Absalom brooded over what he thought was injustice in his life that led to his rebellion against David. See Sheba’s scheme to turn the people against David and why he failed. Remember that rebellion is always an act against God and will not solve injustice.

During this lesson Dr. Dean mentioned the books The Universe Next Door by James Sires and Did America Have a Christian Founding? by Mark David Hall.