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The search function searches Bible class descriptions and transcripts. When the search function finds the search word or phrase, you will be presented with links to the classes that contain those words. The link will take you to the class audio page. If you want to find where the search phase is located in the Bible class transcript, click on the Transcript:read link to view the transcript. Once in the transcript window, type Ctrl-F (PC) or Cmd-F (Mac) to enter the word or phrase in the browser search box, and it will show you all occurrences of your search word(s).

Search Tips

  • Entering a search string with no other criteria (such as AND, NOT, or quote marks) will return some of the context around the words you entered (which are highlighted) as well as a link to the audio player for the class.
    That page will also have links to the video, transcript, and slides for that class.

  • Entering two search terms separated by the word AND will return links to all items which contain both of those terms as well as part of the description of each class.

  • Entering two terms separated by the word NOT will return links to all items which contain the first term but not the second term as well as part of the description of each class.

  • Entering a search string in quotes will return links to items that contain the exact phrase as well as part of the description of each class.

Codes & Descriptions

Class Codes
[A] = summary lessons
[B] = exegetical analysis
[C] = topical doctrinal studies
What is a Mini-Series?
A Mini-Series is a small subset of lessons from a major series which covers a particular subject or book. The class numbers will be in reference to the major series rather than the mini-series.

Search Results

Galatians (1998)

Galatians (1998)

May 1998 - December 1999

Galatians is one of the most important and vital books in the New Testament. It deals with several vital things that are crucial to understand today such as what is the true nature of the gospel? What does a person do or believe in order to be saved? Today we live in a time where there is much confusion about the gospel, much of which comes under the general title of Lordship salvation. Basically what this means is that if you are truly going to be saved then you have to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life. If He is not Lord of everything in your life He is not Lord at all. Lordship salvation takes faith to mean commitment; it says that the assurance of our salvation is grounded in the evidence of our salvation. So if we look at a person’s life to examine, making every believer a fruit inspector, then if there is no evidence of salvation there is no salvation. They also make a distinction between the kind of faith that saves and every day faith. They take faith to mean commitment. So we are going to be addressing these issues: what is salvation, what is justification?

To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software.
Saturday, May 09, 1998
by Robert Dean
Passage: Galatians 1:1
Series: Galatians (1998)
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 19 secs
Saturday, May 16, 1998
by Robert Dean
Passage: Galatians 1:1-5
Series: Galatians (1998)
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 16 secs
Saturday, May 23, 1998
by Robert Dean
Passage: Galatians 1:6
Series: Galatians (1998)
Duration: 1 hr 7 mins 12 secs
Saturday, May 30, 1998
by Robert Dean
Passage: Galatians 1:6-10
Series: Galatians (1998)
Duration: 59 mins 19 secs
Saturday, June 06, 1998
by Robert Dean
Passage: Galatians 1:11-12
Series: Galatians (1998)
Duration: 51 mins 10 secs
Saturday, June 13, 1998
by Robert Dean
Passage: Galatians 1:13-14
Series: Galatians (1998)
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 44 secs
Saturday, June 20, 1998
by Robert Dean
Passage: Galatians 1:15
Series: Galatians (1998)
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 16 secs
Saturday, June 27, 1998
by Robert Dean
Passage: Galatians 1:15
Series: Galatians (1998)
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 12 secs
Saturday, July 04, 1998
by Robert Dean
Passage: Galatians 1:16-24
Series: Galatians (1998)
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 52 secs
Saturday, July 11, 1998
by Robert Dean
Passage: Galatians 2:1-10
Series: Galatians (1998)
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 15 secs