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On-Going Mini-Series

Bible Studies

Matthew 26:47-56 & Mark 14:43-52 by Robert Dean

When is it justified to defend yourself against government authority? Listen to this lesson to learn that there are instances when defense is legitimate but that Jesus Christ chose to submit to unfair authority. Find out how Jesus identifies Himself as God and how His voice affected the crowd. See how Peter reacted and hear what Jesus meant by His warning to Peter. Find out five prophecies that were fulfilled which gives us the confidence today that we can always depend on the Word of God.

This lesson also includes Luke 22:47–53 and John 18:2–11.

The notes link below includes “The Betrayal and Arrest” chronological reading of this event that Dr. Dean developed at the beginning of this class.

Series:Matthew (2013)
Duration:49 mins 44 secs