Tag Index
Each Bible class is assigned a few keywords or phrases called tags. This is simply an index or listing of all those tags. It is not an exhaustive index built from all the words in the titles, descriptions and transcripts. For that, you need to use the search function on the main menu.
1 Peter 4:5-6 & 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 by Robert Dean
Are you ready to think about something that can change your life? Listen to this lesson to learn what the Bible says about how everyone of us, believer and unbeliever, will stand before God one day and give an account of our time on earth. Find out that there are nine judgments mentioned in the Bible and that Jesus Christ, who became a man and lived on earth, will be the judge. See what takes place at the Bema Seat of Christ and learn that this judgment is for believers only to determine their rewards. Find out that the issue at the Judgment Seat of Christ is how faithful a believer was. Accept the challenge of living each day in the light of eternity so you will receive the promised rewards.
Series:1 Peter (2015)
Duration:1 hr 10 mins 26 secs