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Galatians 5:16-23 teaches that at any moment we are either walking by the Holy Spirit or according to the sin nature. Walking by the Spirit, enjoying fellowship with God, walking in the light are virtually synonymous. During these times, the Holy Spirit is working in us to illuminate our minds to the truth of Scripture and to challenge us to apply what we learn. But when we sin, we begin to live based on the sin nature. Our works do not count for eternity. The only way to recover is to confess (admit, acknowledge) our sin to God the Father and we are instantly forgiven, cleansed, and recover our spiritual walk (1 John 1:9). Please make sure you are walking by the Spirit before you begin your Bible study, so it will be spiritually profitable.

Matthew (2013)

Matthew (2013)

September 2013 - July 2018

True stories of the lives of famous people quickly move to the top of the best sellers' charts. Listen to this series about the engrossing story of the life of Christ as told by a once-hated tax collector, Matthew. See how his emphasis is on Christ as the promised Messianic King. Find out about the not-to-be-missed practical ways this Gospel can impact your life.

Video DVDs of these lessons can be ordered here and here.

To view all video Bible studies in the Matthew series, click here (Vimeo) or here (YouTube).

To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software.
Sun, Dec 17, 2017
Passage: Matthew 27:11-14 & John 18:28-19:6
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 2 secs

What do you think about Jesus Christ? C.S. Lewis said there are only three choices. Either He’s the Lord, or He’s a lunatic, or He’s a liar. Listen to this lesson to learn about how the religious leaders of His day plotted to come up with a crime to convince a Roman prefect, Pontius Pilate, that Jesus had committed treason. See how Pilate tried to get out of making a judgment call by sending Jesus to Herod Antipas. Just as the people in those days had to choose where they stood in the case of Jesus Christ, each of us must make a decision now.

Also includes Mark 15:1-5 and Luke 23:1-12.

Sun, Dec 24, 2017
Passage: Matthew 27:15-26 & Mark 15:6-15
Duration: 39 mins 31 secs
Choices! Life is filled with choices and what you choose determines your future. Listen to this lesson to learn that today everyone faces similar choices to the ones facing religious leaders, Roman rulers, and an unruly crowd the night Jesus was arrested and taken to court. Pilate tried desperately to release Jesus because he couldn’t find that He had committed any crimes but under political pressure Pilate offered the people the choice of releasing Jesus or BarAbbas, a false messiah. Today all of us face that same choice. Will we choose one of the many false messiahs or choose Jesus Christ, the only true Savior? The combined Scripture reading for this class is available in the Notes link below.
Sun, Dec 31, 2017
Passage: John 19:1-14 & Matthew 27:22-26
Duration: 52 mins 35 secs
Was Pilate as guilty as the religious leaders for sending Jesus to be crucified? Listen to this lesson to learn that Pilate allowed himself to be influenced by the angry mob because of fear of Caesar. Find out why he ordered Jesus to be scourged and what a cruel and painful punishment that was. See why the Roman soldiers put a crown of thorns and a purple robe on Jesus. Learn the meaning of the mob saying that Jesus’ blood was on them and on their children’s heads and how that verse has been wrongfully used to lead to Christian anti-Semitism through the ages. Marvel at the love Jesus displayed when He allowed Himself to be put to death in such a violent manner in order to take our punishment.
Sun, Jan 21, 2018
Passage: Matthew 27:31-35 & Luke 23:26-33
Duration: 56 mins 2 secs

Salvation is a free gift from God, isn’t it? Listen to this lesson to learn the intense and deeply disturbing price the Lord Jesus Christ paid when He took the punishment for our sins. Follow as Jesus struggles to carry His cross on the road to Golgotha and hear how He gave a compassionate warning to the “daughters of Jerusalem”. Find out what horrors transpired as He was nailed to the cross and how our response should be to live for Him to bring Him glory.

The combined Scripture reading for today is available in the Notes link below.

Sun, Jan 28, 2018
Passage: Matthew 27:35-44 & Mark 15:24-32
Duration: 45 mins 59 secs

Do you find it difficult to listen to the excruciating events of the first three hours Jesus hung on the cross? Listen to this lesson to hear the epic true story as Jesus’ hands and feet were in horrific pain as the nails pierced the skin. Understand that it was not this physical suffering that paid the penalty for our sins. Learn about the two others who were crucified at the same time and see that they were probably rebels like Barabbas. Hear the first saying of Jesus from the Cross which emphasized His forgiveness for those who did not truly understand what they were doing. Learn that the sign they put over Him identified what the charges were against Him. Realize that Jesus was able to rest in God’s provision as a demonstration that we should have a like mental attitude when we are suffering.

The Joel Kramer videos Dr. Dean mentioned in today's Bible class are available here:
The Praetorium
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Sun, Feb 04, 2018
Passage: Matthew 27:41-44 & Mark 15:29-32
Duration: 45 mins 19 secs

How do you react when people mock what you believe and make fun of you? Listen to this lesson to hear how Christ handled the ones who mocked, reviled, and taunted Him at His Crucifixion. Find out that there are seven different mocking events, both on the way to the cross and when Jesus was hanging on it. See that He did not answer them back when they ridiculed Him and spit on Him and hit Him. Learn that mocking someone means you feel disdain for that person and when you’re mocking the Creator of the universe you become a fool. See that the way Jesus handled His treatment led to others believing on Him as the Messiah. Only when your soul has been strengthened daily by learning the Word of God can you have joy, stability, and contentment when suffering.

The Jesus' Hours on the Cross chart Dr. Dean referred to during this class is available for download from Rose Publishing.

Sun, Feb 11, 2018
Passage: Matthew 27:45-49 & John 19:25-30
Duration: 49 mins 15 secs

If someone freely paid a debt you owe, think how grateful you would be. Listen to this lesson to hear about the second three hours when Jesus was on the Cross and the unique suffering He endured on our behalf. Hear about the four women who witnessed Christ’s crucifixion. Find out about the three hours of darkness that veiled Jesus while God the Father imputed the sins of all mankind to Him and the meaning of a judicial separation that takes place between the Father and the Son. Because of what Christ accomplished on the Cross we can put our faith in Him for our salvation.

This lesson also includes Mark 15:33-36 and Luke 23:44-45a.

Sun, Feb 18, 2018
Passage: Matthew 27:45-49 & John 19:25-30
Duration: 50 mins 14 secs
Why did Jesus go to the Cross and die? Listen to this message to hear about the significance of Jesus’ spiritual and physical deaths. Understand what it means when the Bible says we need to have faith in Christ’s death on the Cross. See that it’s not a special kind of faith but the simple act of believing and that it’s the object of our faith that is important. Hear about some Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled about Christ’s death. See how the illustration of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, the bronze snake, and Christ saying He is the Bread of life all portray the simplicity of salvation and that it is for every member of the human race.
Sun, Feb 25, 2018
Passage: Matthew 27:45-49 & Mark 15:33-36
Duration: 47 mins 31 secs
How did God prepare the human race to understand Jesus Christ paying the price for our sins? Listen to this lesson to hear four Old Testament pictures that portray Christ’s sacrificial death. See the emphasis of the furniture and articles in the tabernacle, especially the bronze altar and the laver. Find out the necessity for substitutionary blood sacrifices as depicted in the furniture in the Holy of Holies. As you understand the Old Testament types, realize that only Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross could solve the sin problem once and for all.
Sun, Mar 04, 2018
Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:21 & Isaiah 53:5-6
Duration: 46 mins 6 secs
Are you ready to explore the astonishing substitutionary atonement of Christ on the Cross? Listen to this lesson to learn that Christ’s death on the Cross was the payment for our sins and the concept was first introduced in the Bible when God clothed Adam and Eve in animal skins. See how we can do nothing to gain fellowship with God because we are unrighteous, but the Lord Jesus Christ cleansed us through His sacrifice. While Christ paid the price for the three problems facing the human race, it is only when we trust in Him as our Savior that these solutions are applied to us personally.