Critical Issues in Old Testament Studies
The Old Testament is a wealth of foundational doctrinal information. From enormous sections of unfulfilled prophecy which are foundational to our eschatology, to vital Messianic prophecies central to Christology, our two keynote speakers this year focused on two vital fields of study for us.
Dr. Mark McGinniss helped us hone our skills at moving from exegesis to exposition. Even those who may not have facility in Hebrew, whether Sunday School teachers, home-school teachers, or for personal enrichment, all learned an incredible amount from Dr. McGinniss.
Then Pastor Steven Ger with Sojourner Ministries took us through the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. We learned why many seminaries today minimize these crucial passages and the detail these critical passages provide about the promised Savior and Deliverer.
We all came away with a much greater understanding and appreciation for the Hebrew Scriptures from this year’s conference.
DVDs of the conference can be ordered here (“regular” DVDs) or here (multimedia/AVI DVD—with all conference materials—navigate to page 2).
If you'd like to purchase the book by Dr. Bruce Baker entitled For Thou Art With Me. Biblical Help for the Terminally Ill and Those Who Love Them please contact the publisher at the given link.
To listen to this conference as an audio podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software.
To view all video Bible studies in the 2019 Chafer Theological Seminary Bible Conference series, click here for the Vimeo channel. Click here to view them on YouTube.