Thank you for allowing those of us far from a Bible-teaching church to participate with you in being admonished, nurtured, and strengthened through the clear teaching of Dr. Dean.
With Gratefulness,
R. T.
From Down Under
Dear brother Robert.
It may be a small thing, but thank you for teaching the Bible so faithfully to the Word. Brothers Andy Woods and Tommy Ice also.
Thank you for putting it on the web where your ministry can be stopped, rewound, relistened, and notes made without missing anything. I appreciate it very much. Some of what I’ve learned from you all has been taught to my 8-year-old granddaughter. Her eyes light up and she smiles when she understands.
The Lord is good and hasn’t left us orphaned in a dry land. Glory be to Him.
Warm brotherly regards from Australia.
N. S.
The Gambia, West Africa
I am a preacher and I greatly benefit from Pastor Dean’s doctrinal teachings.