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Codes & Descriptions

Class Codes
[A] = summary lessons
[B] = exegetical analysis
[C] = topical doctrinal studies
What is a Mini-Series?
A Mini-Series is a small subset of lessons from a major series which covers a particular subject or book. The class numbers will be in reference to the major series rather than the mini-series.

Search Results

Judges (2021)

Judges (2021)

January 2021 - May 2023

Judges is a book that is rarely taught on in any church. This is a tragedy because it is a book for our times. What is impressive about this book is the theme. The last verse in Judges: “In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” Judges was in many ways the dark ages of Israel’s history: they rejected the authority of God, they rejected the authority of Scripture, and in its place they substituted their own authority. In other words, instead of looking to God and His Word for absolutes and structuring all their thought under that umbrella they looked to the community, to one another, to themselves as the source of absolute right and wrong.

To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
by Robert Dean
Passage: Judges 3:1
Series: Judges (2021)
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 6 secs
How is our country committing cultural suicide? Listen to this lesson to learn that when we compromise with the devil’s worldview we become paganized. Hear about a mysterious man named Shamgar who was able to defeat six hundred Philistines with an ox goad. Learn why God had to use an unbelieving mercenary soldier to deliver Israel. See that God was using a gentile to bless Israel instead of Israel fulfilling its purpose to bless all the gentile nations. Guard your own thinking from being transformed by the evil culture surrounding us.
Tuesday, October 05, 2021
by Robert Dean
Passage: Judges 4:1-3
Series: Judges (2021)
Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 47 secs
Why did God frequently use pagans to carry out His plans during the time of the judges? Listen to this lesson to learn that the majority of the people of Israel at that time were more interested in their ease, prosperity, and pleasures than in worshiping God. See that they quickly forgot all about God’s goodness to them and returned to their evil ways.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
by Robert Dean
Passage: Judges 4:1-9
Series: Judges (2021)
Duration: 1 hr 9 mins 27 secs
Once again the people of Israel returned to idol worship and once again, God brought divine judgment on them. Listen to this lesson to hear about a woman judge named Deborah. Find out that she is called a prophetess and three aspects of that role, including the part music plays in it. Hear 12 questions about her whose answers are vital for understanding her character. Be reminded that when we, too, once again drift away from God, He is always our Rock and Defender.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
by Robert Dean
Passage: Judges 4:1-9
Series: Judges (2021)
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 44 secs
What does Deborah’s role in delivering Israel from oppression indicate? Listen to this lesson to learn that the nation had succumbed to the pagan culture around them and the men were failing to fulfill their biblical role of leadership. Find out that Deborah was carrying out the functions needed at that time of judging the people who came to her. See what prophets did and how Deborah functioned as one, including the musical context. Anticipate the battle that will take place and the victory that follows.
Tuesday, November 02, 2021
by Robert Dean
Passage: Judges 4:6-24
Series: Judges (2021)
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 5 secs
Don’t miss the astonishing event and its meaning in this lesson. The battle seemed hopeless to the Israelites. They were greatly outnumbered but God made a promise that He would deliver them. Hear how Deborah told Barak that God wanted him to deploy an army. See his temporary lack of faith when he asked her to come with him. Find out about a woman named Jael who lured Sisera, the fleeing commander of the enemy, into her tent and when he slept nailed a tent peg through his temple. Remember that when God makes a promise He always keeps it and we are to trust Him knowing that if God is for us, no one can win against us.
Tuesday, November 09, 2021
by Robert Dean
Passage: Judges 5:1-2
Series: Judges (2021)
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 46 secs
Have you ever been so thankful for an answer to prayer that you couldn’t stop expressing your praise for it? Listen to this lesson to hear an in-depth study of what the Bible teaches us about praising God. See categories of praise in different psalms which can be applied to your times of thanksgiving. Begin a study of Deborah’s song of praise for the victory over Israel’s enemies. Realize God is the hero of your life and you can trust Him and Him alone for delivering you from your troubles.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
by Robert Dean
Passage: Judges 5:1-9
Series: Judges (2021)
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins 16 secs

Do you enjoy songs of praise to God? Listen to this message to begin to study a psalm written by Deborah about the deliverance by God in their recent victory. Learn how the people had vowed to fight and how this commitment is commemorated in this psalm. End the evening with a presentation by Paul Sharf about his ministry with the Friends of Israel and his brief message from Genesis about God’s plan for history and the part Israel plays.

Mr. Scharf''s slides are available in the Transcript:Notes link below.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021
by Robert Dean
Passage: Judges 5:5-31
Series: Judges (2021)
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 20 secs
Are you ready to continue the study of this hymn of victory praising God for His deliverance? Listen to this lesson to learn how the events recorded in the Bible are interconnected, reinforcing its historicity. Hear how God called on Deborah to be His spokesperson to the Israelites in their time of misery under the rule of their cruel enemies. Find out how Deborah was thinking of the rulers and of those who volunteered to fight against overwhelming odds. Like Deborah, accept God’s challenge to live your life obeying His mandates and being like the sun to give light to those around you.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
by Robert Dean
Passage: Judges 4-5 & Romans 1:18-31
Series: Judges (2021)
Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 12 secs
How many options do humans have in worship? Listen to this lesson to learn there are only two choices we can make. We can either worship the Creator or we can worship what He has created. See how rejecting God’s truth and turning to the creation is paganism. Find out how this leads to confusion of the roles God has set out for men and women and ends in chaos and turmoil.
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
by Robert Dean
Passage: Judges 4-5 & Romans 1:18-31
Series: Judges (2021)
Duration: 1 hr 10 mins 11 secs
What is causing so much chaos and strange thinking in our world today? Listen to this message to hear that the philosophy prevalent in the world is one that rejects God as the Creator and man as the creation. Find out the meaning of Monism, which is in complete disagreement with biblical truth. As believers see that we are engaged in an invisible warfare and we must follow Paul’s admonition to transform our thinking by learning Scripture so we can reject the culture around us.