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Dean Bible Ministries has published the following books. You can order them by clicking on PLACE ORDER below.


What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Robert L. Dean Jr. and Dr. Thomas Ice

What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Warfare is now available to download in PDF format by clicking here.



God's Powerful Promises by Dr. Robert L. Dean

God’s Powerful Promises has now been published in 14 different languages. You can immediately download PDF files of the booklet in Afrikaans, Armenian, Bembo, English, French (Polynesian), German, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, and Ukrainian here.

(Links below are to PDF files in a printable format in English, Spanish, and Ukrainian)


Promises Thumbnail Ukr Cover


God's Powerful Promises is now available for free download. Select the English format you'd prefer:

For printing as a 2-sided booklet - English

For viewing/printing pages in numerical order - English.

The Spanish translation of God's Powerful Promises is available here:

Spanish version for viewing/printing pages in numerical order

God's Powerful Promises has been translated into Ukrainian and is now available for download.

For printing as a 2-sided booklet on A4 paper - Ukrainian


Ukrainian version for viewing/printing pages in numerical order


There is no price for these publications. The publishing of all printed material offered by Dean Bible Ministries is supported by grace donations.  

See our financial policy.

Book Order Form




Podcasts of all the Bible class series are now available. Just find the series you want to podcast and look for the podcast URL in the description of the series. Look for the podcast icon.


Transcripts Collection


UPDATED 5-9-20

Available for download is a file that will enable you to put over 2,500 transcripts and slides from Dr. Dean’s Bible studies on your computer for quick access plus the ability to search for key words, doctrines, verses, topics, etc.


This updated file includes the addition of new transcripts since 7/1/14.

Click here for more details.


Monday, 13 May 2024 17:22

Dr. Dean in Poland

2024 Mission Trip to Poland and Romania

DrDeanInPolandMay 13–16, 2024

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week,  Dr. Dean and Jim Myers will be speaking in a church in Piasek, Poland. 

You can now watch the broadcasts of the messages here:

May 13

May 14

May 16

Wednesday, 08 May 2024 02:05

Science and the Scriptures

Are You Looking to Boost Your Knowlege of Science?

Check out Dr. Ray Mondragon’s fascinating series on Science and the Scriptures to give you “ammunition” in debating Creation vs. Evolution in addition to giving you great confidence in God and the Scriptures.


Friday, 01 March 2024 06:13

Tuesday Bible Class - February 27 - Supporting Israel and the Jewish Community in the Time of War Conference

“To the Jew First”—Romans 1:16 and the Priority of Jewish Evangelism–Part 3

Are you right with God? Listen to the content of a tract written by Pastor Dean that uses Old Testament Scripture to answer that question. First, it must be understood that only God is righteous and no good works anyone can do can make them righteous. Hear how God, in His love, sent His Son to die on the Cross as our substitute. To answer that question of how to become righteous before God, understand that all you have to do is believe in Christ.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Thursday, 22 February 2024 07:51

Tuesday Bible Class - February 20 - Supporting Israel and the Jewish Community in the Time of War Conference

“To the Jew First”—Romans 1:16 and the Priority of Jewish Evangelism–Part 2

How can we become prepared to talk to unbelievers about Jesus’ sacrifice for sin? Listen to this message to hear many ways to approach this subject with a special emphasis on Jewish unbelievers. Find out if it is enough to witness by the lives we live or if we need to speak about what we believe also. Hear some of the preconceived ideas that you need to be aware of that Jewish people may have about Christianity.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Sunday, 18 February 2024 05:11

Supporting Israel and the Jewish Community in the Time of War Conference

02 - Redeeming the Past, Acting in the Present, Altering the Future: A Biblical View of Israel

Olivier Melnick

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.


03 - Policy by the US Towards Iran: Is it Repeating or Avoiding Past Critical Mistakes?

Yoram Ettinger

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Tuesday, 13 February 2024 21:14

Tuesday Bible Class - February 13 - Supporting Israel and the Jewish Community in the Time of War Conference

“To the Jew First”—Romans 1:16 and the Priority of Jewish Evangelism

Why is it a priority for Christians to reach out to Jewish people to help them understand that Christ is the Messiah? Listen to this message to hear five reasons for this, including that Jews are saved by believing the gospel and not through their Jewish heritage. Hear a number of ways to present the gospel to Jewish people.

During the message Dr. Dean referred to a couple of books: To the Jew First: The Case for Jewish Evangelism in Scripture and History and How to Introduce Your Jewish Friends to the Messiah.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Thursday, 11 January 2024 19:20

Resources for Israel War Information

Friday, 10 November 2023 00:36

Special Pastors Group Study - November 10

Thinking Through Ministering in an LGBTQ+ Culture

One of the most significant challenges facing parents, educators, students, employers, and in many of our relationships is this notion that we can create our own sexual identity. Have you been scratching your head, wondering where the illogical ideas of the LGBTQ+ community originated? And why have they become so accepted and pervasive? Ideas don’t just pop up out of thin air. Ideas have roots in past philosophical and religious ideas, often those which are virulently opposed to God, His creation ordinances, and Divine Institutions. In this lesson which Charlie Clough presented to Dr. Dean's online pastors group, he traces the source of these ideas and how and why they have become so pervasive and persuasive. Please listen to this presentation to understand the ultimately Satanic strategy which is designed to attack and destroy the Christian values in this world, to attack and remove parental authority over their children, and destroy the foundations of any nation in marriage and family.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

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Items of Interest