Bible Studies

Codes & Descriptions

Class Codes
[A] = summary lessons
[B] = exegetical analysis
[C] = topical doctrinal studies
What is a Mini-Series?
A Mini-Series is a small subset of lessons from a major series which covers a particular subject or book. The class numbers will be in reference to the major series rather than the mini-series.

Messages with tag - Blaming God

Tuesday, August 06, 2019
Passage: Psalm 89:38-52
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 40 secs
How honest are you when you pray? Listen to this lesson to hear about a psalmist who expresses his frustration over what is happening and asks God if He’s going to keep His promises. He wonders why the nation is under divine discipline and points out that they are a reproach to God’s name. As he expresses his unhappiness, he petitions God to change the circumstances. See how he recovers and expresses once more his understanding of God’s Word. When we are in a situation like that, we need to remember to trust God and His promises, which can be hindered by our disobedience but are never cancelled.