Bible Studies
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Angelic Conflict
Angelic Rebellion (2020)
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Basics: Intro to Christianity
- Basics 1: Foundation for Life
- Basics 2: Foundation for Living
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Biblical Framework for Economics
Birth of Christ
- 3 Portraits of the Birth of Christ
- Can We Trust the Bible (2004)
Christianity and the American Republic
Church Leadership
Creation Special 2010
- Creation Special at Tucson Bible Church
Creation Studies
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- Decision Making in the Voting Booth
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Divine Guidance
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Faith-Rest Drill: Learning to Trust God
- Faith-Rest Drill at Tucson Bible Church
- Giving Thanks to God
- God’s Protection in Any Crisis
Has God Spoken? (2021)
- History of Christianity
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- Holy Week
- How Should We Then Vote?
Inspiration & Inerrancy
Interlocked (2023)
- Israel - Past, Present, and Future (2006)
- Last Week of Jesus
Light From the Light Channel
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Marriage & Family
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The Ministries of God the Holy Spirit Today
Olivet Discourse
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Sermon on the Mount
Spiritual Life: How Does a Christian Grow
- Spiritual Life at Tucson Bible Church
Tabernacle Study
Understanding Judgment, Rewards, & Inheritance
- Who is Jesus
Worship & Music
Worship, Biblical
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- Brannon Howse
- Tommy Ice
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- David Klingler
- Susanna Kokkonen
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- Timothy Lipsi
- Wayne Martin
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- Ron Minton
- Ray Mondragon
- Jim Myers
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- Douglas Petrovich
- Jeff Phipps
- David Roseland
- Scott Stripling
- Scot Ullrich
- Elbert White
- Paul Wilkinson
- John Williamson
- Andy Woods
- Index
Codes & Descriptions
Class Codes |
[A] = summary lessons [B] = exegetical analysis [C] = topical doctrinal studies |
What is a Mini-Series? |
A Mini-Series is a small subset of lessons from a major series which covers a particular subject or book. The class numbers will be in reference to the major series rather than the mini-series. |
Thursday, June 01, 2023
44 - The Deity of the Preincarnate Christ [C]
Philippians 2:5-11 by Robert Dean
Was Jesus Christ always the Son of God? Listen to this message to hear Scriptures that you can reflect on that show Christ as the eternal Son of God. Find out who the Angel or Messenger of the Lord is and see a number of passages concerning this. See seven ways the rabbis used the term “Memra” as the visible expression of God.
Series:Philippians (2022)
Duration:57 mins 46 secs