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Romans 8:28 by Robert Dean
Romans 8:28 is frequently quoted in times of suffering, but seldom broken down into specifics which give it enhanced significance in our practical understanding. This study shatters the idea of the narrow omniscience of God in strict Calvinism as applied to election, predestination, and God’s “call.” Though not all of Calvinism is the same, understand more fully the five points of Calvinism which place regeneration before belief, abolish the universality of volition, and limit response to the gospel to a predetermined, specific few. See how God’s election and call relate to His plan for those who have already believed. Place into context scripture used to support Calvinist theology to determine who are called, the nature and result of their response, and the means through which God has always drawn us.
Series:Romans (2010)
Duration:1 hr 5 mins 3 secs