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On-Going Mini-Series

Bible Studies

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

95 - Impact of Apostasy [B]

Judges 18:1-31 by Robert Dean

Do you view God as a good luck charm? Sadly there are people who think like that. Listen to this lesson to hear about an event in Israel when the tribe of Dan were in apostasy. They were homeless because they had not trusted God to take possession of the land He had given them, so they moved in on other people’s homes. See how their actions resulted in apostasy spreading throughout the land. Understand that when this occurs the only way to recover is to turn back to God.

Dr. Dean mentioned that when he completes the Judges series he’s going to teach the Interlocked series based on Charlie Clough’s Bible Framework. Click on the link to get a sneak peek of this impactful study, as well as to download the materials for this course.

During this lesson Dr. Dean referred to a book by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre entitled O Jerusalem,

Series:Judges (2021)
Duration:1 hr 5 mins 42 secs