Sunday Bible Class - February 23 - Ephesians
How Should the Husband Love?
How should a husband love his wife? Listen to this message to learn the biblical meaning of loving others. See that the example is how Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her. Find out the purpose for this and hear a number of definitions of love, including the biblical definition which differs from the pagan culture's idea of love. Learn that it is impossible to display this kind of love with our own efforts, but when we are walking by means of the Holy Spirit we can accomplish it. This kind of love is not just for husbands, but for all believers so be challenged to study and learn about it.
This Bible study includes a brief message from Dr. Tim Sigler, CEO of Ariel Ministries.
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Thursday Bible Class - February 20 - Interlocked
Lesson 29, Part 1B: The Jewish Expectation - Part 1B
• What the Jews Were Expecting from God's Covenants:
– The Abrahamic and New Covenants
– The Mosaic Covenant
– The Land Covenant
– The Davidic Covenant
– The New Covenant
What expectations did the Jews have for the coming Messiah? Listen to this message to learn that the Jews had two very different views of the Messiah when He came and failed to distinguish between His two advents. They focused on the view that He would be a conqueror who would deliver His people from the nations who had conquered them, and failed to recognize Him as the suffering servant as described in Isaiah 53. See how this failure contributed to their rejection of Him during Christ's first advent.
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Sunday Bible Class - February 16 - Ephesians
The Husband’s Mandate: Love as Christ
Do you want to have a Christian and biblical marriage? Listen to this message to learn that the way to achieve that is by studying the Word of God, both individually and through sermons and Bible classes. Learn three steps to follow in this study and how to implement them. Hear seven observations to think on as we begin this study of biblical marriage.
You can view the dancing videos at these links:
• Professional dancers
• Ice dancers
• Prom attendees
You can view Dr. Dean's Bible Study Methods course here.
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Thursday Bible Class - February 13 - Interlocked
Lesson 29, Part 1A: The Jewish Expectation - Part 1A
• What the Jews Were Expecting from God's Covenants:
– The Abrahamic and New Covenants
– The Mosaic Covenant
– The Land Covenant
– The Davidic Covenant
– The New Covenant
What were the Jews expecting during the years between the Old Testament and the New Testament? Listen to this lesson to hear a review of the covenants God made with the Jews and the promises God made to them. Find out that some of these covenants were unilateral and depended wholly upon God for fulfillment and others were temporary. Hear a detailed discussion of the New Covenant and its timetable for fulfillment in the Millennial Kingdom.
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Sunday Bible Class - February 9 - Ephesians
How Do We Evaluate the Dance of Our Marriage?
What can dancing teach us about marriage? Listen to this message to hear how dancing is a good metaphor for the roles men and women should have in marriage. Just as when dancing, men are to lead and women are to follow. Hear 16 principles of the art of dancing that apply to conducting a happy marriage, including having a common goal on which to focus. Be challenged to remember that glorifying God should be the common goal for each Christian couple.
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Thursday Bible Class - February 6 - Interlocked
Lesson 28, Part 2: Partial Return of Judah - Part 2
• Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
• Completion of the Old Testament
• Preservation of the Old Testament
• Accuracy Demonstrated through the Septuagint (LXX), Masoretic Text (MT), Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS)
• What About Translations?
• God Still Speaks to Us through His Word
Is it true that God is finished with Israel because of their rebellion? Listen to this message to learn that God is not finished with Israel and will definitely still fulfill all His promises to them. The Church did not replace Israel. Hear how the Old Testament was accepted as Scripture under the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. Learn about how God saw to its preservation so today we can know that the original is accurate and we have the Word of God for our times.
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Sunday Bible Class - February 2 - Ephesians
Grace Should be the Husband’s Creed
Why are there so many problems between husbands and wives? Listen to this message to understand differences between men and women that involves their God-given roles, See where a spiritually mature woman is to place her focus rather than on her clothes, jewelry, and hairstyles. Learn that the husband has a responsibility to honor his wife and be the spiritual head of the family.
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Thursday Bible Class - January 30 - Interlocked
Lesson 28, Part 1: Partial Return of Judah - Part 1
• Daniel's Prayer
• Daniel's Timeline
• Partial Return / Full Return
• Avoiding Fatalism in Prayers
Why is it necessary to pray about something that is in Scripture? Listen to this lesson to learn about Daniel's prayer after he discovered in the Book of Jeremiah that the exile of his people was to last 70 years. Hear four reasons that emphasize the necessity for payer, including the importance of avoiding fatalism. Learn about the timeline that prophesied the Messiah's death. See that only sixty-nine "weeks" have passed and one "week" is still future, called the Tribulation. Hear about the rebuilding of the temple that took place under Cyrus, King of Persia.
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