Tag Index
Each Bible class is assigned a few keywords or phrases called tags. This is simply an index or listing of all those tags. It is not an exhaustive index built from all the words in the titles, descriptions and transcripts. For that, you need to use the search function on the main menu.
Ephesians 4:7 by Robert Dean
Do you love receiving gifts? Listen to this lesson to learn about 25 priceless gifts you received when you trusted in Christ as your Savior. See the necessity of learning who Christ is and what His Session has to do with our receiving gifts. Find out the purpose of the Church in the Church Age. When choosing what church to attend look for one where the pastor emphasizes teaching the Word of God so you can grow to spiritual maturity and fulfill the destiny which is shared by all Church Age believers.
Series:Ephesians (2018)
Duration:57 mins 16 secs