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On-Going Mini-Series

Bible Studies

Codes & Descriptions

Class Codes
[A] = summary lessons
[B] = exegetical analysis
[C] = topical doctrinal studies
What is a Mini-Series?
A Mini-Series is a small subset of lessons from a major series which covers a particular subject or book. The class numbers will be in reference to the major series rather than the mini-series.

Messages with tag - Sanctuary: Gods dwelling place

Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Passage: 1 Chronicles 15:1-16 & Genesis 1-2
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 43 secs
Do you think a church service should be designed to lift your spirits and make you feel better? Listen to this lesson to learn that the purpose of a worship service should be to help you know God as defined in Scripture. Hear a number of definitions of worship telling both what it is and what it isn’t. Find out why it is important to study worship in the Old Testament. Begin an intriguing new study of what a sanctuary is and learn that as believers study God’s Word and mature spiritually they will come to trust and obey God on a daily basis.