Bible Studies

Messages with tag - Sin nature control

Sunday, October 10, 2021
Passage: Ephesians 4:7-13
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 1 hr 45 mins 27 secs
Are you ready for a little pop quiz? If you’re game, see if you can answer these four questions in your own mind. How many did you get right? Learn from this lesson that the problems we all encounter with people in our life cannot be solved by human solutions but require knowing the truth God has revealed in His Word. Hear a series of questions concerning Christ’s ascension to Heaven that will be answered in coming lessons.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Passage: 1 Peter 4:12-17
Series: 1 Peter (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 46 secs
How is it possible to do good deeds that don’t result in bearing fruit in the Christian life? Listen to this lesson to learn the importance of walking by means of the Holy Spirit rather than being controlled by your sin nature. Find out the meaning of abiding in Christ. See that we can either suffer because we deserve it or because it is not based on something we have done. Come to appreciate that undeserved suffering is designed to train and bless us and to bring glory to God.

Dr. Dean's opening comments included a reference to the upcoming Pre-Trib Rapture Study Group Conference, December 3-5, 2018. More information is available at

He also mentioned a book entitled The Hymnal: A Reading History by Christopher N. Phillips.

Thursday, January 26, 2017
Passage: 1 Peter 3:10-14
Series: 1 Peter (2015)
Duration: 56 mins 14 secs
You would never think of starting a raging out-of-control fire in your neighborhood, would you? Listen to this lesson to learn that that the Bible tells us that our tongue starts fires when we gossip, slander, and malign others. See that evil words that spew out of our mouths come from our sin nature and are destructive to us and to the object of our anger. Hear a listing of types of sins of the tongue, including lying, yelling, flattery, judging, and bitter rants. As we move on in this chapter we begin a study of suffering unjustly. Find out that we are always to be ready to explain what we believe to unbelievers.
Sunday, September 03, 2000
Passage: Judges 3:1-6
Series: Judges (2000)
Duration: 55 mins 58 secs