Bible Studies

Messages with tag - Charles Ryrie

Friday, June 19, 2015
Series: 2015 Chafer Theological Seminary Bible Conference
Duration: 1 hr 15 mins 43 secs

The most significant question that anyone can ask is, “What must I do to be saved?” The only authoritative answer is found in the Bible. To most Christians the words save and salvation immediately call to mind the meaning of deliverance from the lake of fire after death or perhaps “go to heaven when you die.” But this idea of salvation is not the most common meaning of those terms in the Bible. The various Hebrew words translated, “to save,” or, “salvation,” rarely relate to personal salvation from eternal judgment or ultimate entrance into heaven. The New Testament words save and salvation also have a variety of meanings in different passages. If one assumes that every occurrence of the word save or of the word salvation refers to deliverance from the lake of fire, it will inevitably lead to an incorrect interpretation of many passages.

It is important to understand that most of the time when the words save and salvation appear in Scripture they mean something other than, “final deliverance from the lake of fire.”

Click here to download the Visualized Bible Verses ZIP file, compliments of James F. Myers Ministries.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Series: 2014 Chafer Theological Seminary Bible Conference
Duration: 58 mins 56 secs
Mike Stallard - The Life and Contribution of Arno C. Gaebelein presented at 2014 Chafer Theological Seminary Pastors' Conference