Bible Studies

Most people erroneously view evolution as merely a scientific or biological issue. However, in actuality, evolution is a worldview issue. Darwinian evolution impacts one’s worldview like few other concepts. In the late 1980’s, Dr. Henry Morris wrote a book entitled The Long War Against God in which he showed that evolution is the seed bed or foundation of the major anti-God movements and philosophy’s of our day. Here, Morris revealed evolutionary assumptions behind Communism, Nazism, Racism, Atheism, New Age, and Secular Humanism. Morris’ insights help explain why evolution is so protected in our society in spite of its scientific inadequacies. The theory’s protectors understand that if evolution collapses, then so do all of these other “isms” that are built upon evolution. ...
Series:2010 Chafer Theological Seminary Bible Conference
Duration:1 hr 15 mins 9 secs