Robert Dean

Robert Dean

Role: Pastor

Dr. Robert L. Dean, Jr. is pastor of West Houston Bible Church in Houston, Texas.

Before coming to West Houston Bible Church, Dr. Dean was the Pastor of Preston City Bible Church in Preston, Connecticut. Prior to that he had served churches in both the Dallas and Houston, Texas areas and has over 35 years of pastoral experience.

Dr. Dean is a much sought after Bible teacher both in the United States and overseas. He serves on the adjunct faculty of Faith Evangelical Seminary and is the Chairman of the Governing Board for Chafer Theological Seminary.

Dr. Dean trained for the ministry at Dallas Theological Seminary where he earned a Th.M. in Hebrew and Old Testament Studies and later returned to pursue a Ph.D. in theological studies with an emphasis in Historical Theology. He also earned an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of St. Thomas (1987) and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Faith Evangelical Seminary (2002). In 1988 he was recognized as an Outstanding Young Man of America, and in 1989 was listed in the Who's Who in American Christian Leadership.

His academic training in Greek, Hebrew, theology, philosophy, and history enables him to study the Bible in the original languages and show how these eternal truths are as vital today as always.

Latest sermons by
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Passage: Philippians 3:8-11 & Romans 3:24-31
Series: Philippians (2022)
Duration: 1 hr 7 mins 50 secs
Redemption. Propitiation. Why do we need to learn about these subjects? Listen to this message to hear these are fundamental truths that help us to understand and appreciate our salvation. Hear the meaning of the key words for each of these terms. Remember that redemption always refers to a price being paid to redeem or purchase something and propitiation expresses God’s satisfaction for Christ’s work on the Cross.
Tuesday, April 09, 2024
Passage: Exodus 31:12-18 & Exodus 32:1-34:35
Series: Interlocked (2023)
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 55 secs
How did God communicate what the human race needed to know to live and serve Him? Listen to this message to learn that from Genesis we learn that He spoke, using language that we could understand. Find out that He established memorial days and feasts for the people to observe. See that the creation itself is a form of non-verbal communication of God’s existence. Understand the role the prophets played and see how Israel was to be the custodian of Scripture and spread God’s Word to others.
Sunday, April 07, 2024
Passage: Genesis 22:14
Series: Dr. Dean One-Lesson Specials
Duration: 1 hr 31 mins 51 secs
Do you ever take time to look back and marvel how God has provided for you? Listen to this message on the 20th anniversary of West Houston Bible Church and hear about God’s constant provision. Find out three values or guiding principles that have steered this church, all showing God’s care for His people. See the sufficiency of God’s revealed Word, His provision for our salvation, and the promises for our grace growth to spiritual maturity. Realize that God has a mission for each believer and assures that you have what you need to fulfill that mission.
Sunday, April 07, 2024
Passage: Psalm 32:7
Series: Light from the Light Channel
Duration: 24 mins 32 secs
Do you long to feel secure in these troubled times? Our memory verse today tells us three things about God that show how He protects us. If we have sinned, He is always ready to forgive us.
Thursday, April 04, 2024
Passage: Philippians 3:8-11 & Romans 3:20-31
Series: Philippians (2022)
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 55 secs

Get prepared for an in-depth study of justification. Listen to this message to learn that justification basically means being declared righteous by God even though we were born sinners and still sin after believing in Christ as our Savior. Learn about the three types of biblical righteousness. Gain a clearer understanding of Romans 3:23–24. Rejoice and be grateful for such a great salvation.

The “heavy” Bible Dr. Dean discussed at the beginning of this class is available here.

Here is a link to Dr. Dean's Bible Study Methods series.

Tuesday, April 02, 2024
Passage: Deuteronomy 4-8 & Leviticus 26
Series: Interlocked (2023)
Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 58 secs
Is mankind capable of making good laws? Listen to this message to learn that man has a sin nature and cannot make good laws unless he is informed by principles in God’s Word. See that there must be absolute standards of right and wrong in order to make fair and just laws. Find out if believers today should obey the Mosaic Law and what the Law of Christ is.
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:16-17 & Daniel 12:2-13
Series: Holiday Specials
Duration: 57 mins 54 secs

Christ arose! What does that guarantee to us? Listen to this message to learn that Christ’s resurrection is our guarantee that the grave is not the end of life. Hear prophecies concerning the resurrection of Christ in the Scriptures and how Jesus predicted He would be crucified and raised from the dead. Learn a number of results of Christ’s resurrection, including the validation of the accuracy of Scripture.

Please download Dr. Dean's document Are You Right with God?

Sunday, March 31, 2024
Passage: Isaiah 30:18
Series: Light from the Light Channel
Duration: 13 mins 51 secs
Where do you look for help when people or circumstances are making your life difficult? Our memory verse says we should always look to God for help and wait on Him. Don’t look elsewhere.
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Passage: Philippians 3:8-11
Series: Philippians (2022)
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins 14 secs
Is there anything we can do to be righteous before God? Listen to this lesson to learn that we are inherently sinful and all our good deeds and moral acts are worthless. Find out that the answer is that we can only become righteous before God by trusting in Christ as our Savior. At that instant God does not make us better or more righteous but He declares us righteous.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Passage: Deuteronomy 4-8 & Deuteronomy 28
Series: Interlocked (2023)
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 35 secs
What was unique about the Mosaic Law compared to other law codes of the ancient world? Listen to this message to learn that God's Law code was structured to teach His chosen people to treat everyone equally with generosity, to treat the animals well, and care for the environment. In turn, God desired that everyone trust Him to provide for their needs. Find out that although the Law was given to the Israelites there are applications for us today.