Messages with tag - Priscilla and Aquila

Thursday, October 23, 2014
Passage: Romans 16:1-7
Series: Romans (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 42 secs
What is your vision of how the world works? More important, what is your view of God? Listen to this lesson to see how your views impact everything else, including your politics, your ideas of economics, and even how you view the differences between men and women. See how the Apostle Paul explains to Timothy what the role of women in the church should be. Find out what is meant by women not having authority over men or formally teaching them. Understand that Paul's views are based on the order of Biblical creation and the subsequent disobedience of mankind.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Passage: Acts 18:1-5 & 1 Corinthians 2:1-3
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 39 secs
Looking for a little fun and action in a party town? In the 1st century you would head for the bustling, wealthy port city of Corinth with its many temples, games, and sensual pleasures. Find out how the Apostle Paul received personal guidance from the Holy Spirit to go there. Learn how he arrived dead tired and found a tent-making couple, Priscilla and Aquila, and joined with them in their business. See how he presented the gospel weekly by going to the synagogue and reasoning with the Jews in Corinth.

Also includes 1 Corinthians 4:12, 1 Thessalonians 2:9