Bible Study Methods Course Notice

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Bible Study Methods Course Materials

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Latest Classes

  • 07-30-2024
    Interlocked (2023)
    Interlocked (2023)
    21.1 - Kings for Israel: Israel Demands a King; Why Israel Wanted a King; Melchizedek
  • 07-30-2024
    Interlocked (2023)
    Interlocked (2023)
    20 - Faith in Action II: Using Scripture to Get Perspective on My Questions
  • 07-29-2024
    KHCB Radio Prayer Time Devotionals
    A Prayer for Our Nation
  • 07-28-2024
    Ephesians (2018)
    Ephesians (2018)
    240 - The Biblical Culture of Worship [C]
  • 07-28-2024
    Light from the Light Channel
    Light from the Light Channel
    LIGHT from the LIGHT Episode 77
  • 07-25-2024
    Philippians (2022)
    Philippians (2022)
    80 - Imitating Paul = Imitating Christ [B]