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Galatians 5:16-23 teaches that at any moment we are either walking by the Holy Spirit or according to the sin nature. Walking by the Spirit, enjoying fellowship with God, walking in the light are virtually synonymous. During these times, the Holy Spirit is working in us to illuminate our minds to the truth of Scripture and to challenge us to apply what we learn. But when we sin, we begin to live based on the sin nature. Our works do not count for eternity. The only way to recover is to confess (admit, acknowledge) our sin to God the Father and we are instantly forgiven, cleansed, and recover our spiritual walk (1 John 1:9). Please make sure you are walking by the Spirit before you begin your Bible study, so it will be spiritually profitable.

Matthew (2013)

Matthew (2013)

September 2013 - July 2018

True stories of the lives of famous people quickly move to the top of the best sellers' charts. Listen to this series about the engrossing story of the life of Christ as told by a once-hated tax collector, Matthew. See how his emphasis is on Christ as the promised Messianic King. Find out about the not-to-be-missed practical ways this Gospel can impact your life.

Video DVDs of these lessons can be ordered here and here.

To view all video Bible studies in the Matthew series, click here (Vimeo) or here (YouTube).

To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software.
Sun, Apr 30, 2017
Passage: Matthew 25:14-30
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins 1 sec
Who is Jesus talking about that will “weep and gnash their teeth”? Listen to this lesson to learn that this parable of the talents is directed to Jewish people in the Tribulation. See how this parable is connected to the last two parables during the Olivet Discourse and how they differ from one another. Find out who the servants are and whether or not all three of the men entrusted with talents are believers. Learn how much a talent was worth in Jesus’ day. One implication of this parable for Church Age believers is that we have been given incredible blessings and resources and will be held accountable for how we utilize them.
Sun, May 07, 2017
Passage: Matthew 25:31-46
Duration: 51 mins 43 secs
Does this passage teach us that good works are required to enter into the Kingdom? Listen to this lesson to learn that the term “my brethren” is a key to understanding this. See reasons why this is not a parable but a narrative describing a judgment at the end of the Tribulation. Find out this event takes place at Christ’s Second Coming and the “throne of His glory” refers to His earthly throne. Learn five differences between the Sheep and Goat Judgment and the Great White Throne Judgment.
Sun, May 14, 2017
Passage: Matthew 25:31-46 & James 2
Duration: 52 mins 36 secs
Is faith in Christ sufficient for eternal salvation or are good works also necessary? Listen to this lesson to hear about the Sheep and Goat Judgment. Understand that this is not a gospel message but is referring to a future time when Jesus comes to establish His Kingdom on earth. Learn what the gospel is and the three variants which depend on the dispensation of each. See that all versions depend on faith alone in Christ alone and the meaning of justification.
Sun, May 21, 2017
Passage: Matthew 25:31-46 & James 2:18-24
Duration: 55 mins 2 secs
If you’re truly saved, does it always mean you’ll perform good works? Listen to this lesson to hear three views on how to get into Heaven and which is the correct one.. Learn about three gospels and how all include belief in the Messiah and are on the basis of faith and grace. See that faith plus works is a false gospel. Understand that in James 2, he is talking to believers and urging them to apply what they believe to their lives. Learn what being “swift to hear” means. When talking to unbelievers, let them know they need to believe in Christ as their Savior in order to go to Heaven.
Sun, May 28, 2017
Passage: Matthew 25:41-46
Duration: 58 mins 1 sec
Would a loving God send unbelievers to never-ending punishment in the Lake of Fire? Listen to this lesson to learn the characteristics of God with emphasis on His sovereignty, righteousness, and justice. Find out for whom the Lake of Fire was created. See what the Bible says abut eternal fire and whether it is a metaphor or literal. Hear biblical terms referring to what happens after death. Let the reality of the future motivate all of us to witness and pray for unbelievers.
Sun, Jun 18, 2017
Passage: Matthew 26:1-5
Duration: 45 mins 32 secs

Why did the Lord Jesus Christ come to this earth as the Son of Man? Was it to feed the hungry, heal sick people, or teach His disciples? Listen to this lesson to hear His overriding purpose was to be crucified as our Redeemer. Find out the many contrasts in this passage including contrasts between the anonymous woman, Judas, the religious leaders, and the disciples. Hear the chronology of the events in these last few days before Jesus died on the cross.

Today's message includes a presentation by Jeff Phipps regarding his recent trip to teach the Word of God in the Natal, Brazil area.

Sun, Jun 25, 2017
Passage: Matthew 26:6-16
Duration: 1 hr 7 mins 51 secs
Are you a failure as a parent? Listen to this lesson to see that nothing you do in life is more important than taking time to teach your children the Word of God and living it in front of them. See that it is the father who has the primary responsibility for this. Hear a number of principles to apply about true biblical worship and parenting skills. Review the incident where the unknown woman anointed Jesus’ head with an expensive oil and how the disciples were told by Jesus three reasons why her work was good. Learn that ultimately all of our decisions focus on our volition and we need to prioritize our time according to the Scriptures.
Sun, Jul 09, 2017
Passage: Matthew 26:17-30
Duration: 52 mins 47 secs
Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be at the Last Supper, as it’s frequently called, with Jesus and His disciples? Listen to this lesson to hear the actual events that took place that evening. See that this was the Passover Seder meal commemorating Israel’s departure from Egypt. Find out that all leaven had to be removed and the cleansing that was required. Learn about the symbols of the Seder meal and some of their origins. See that Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet spoke of His love and forgiveness. Learn that the 4th cup still has a future fulfillment.
Sun, Jul 16, 2017
Passage: Matthew 26:30-35 & Luke 22:24-37
Duration: 51 mins 10 secs
Can we do something so terrible that God can never forgive us? Listen to this lesson to learn that every sin mankind has ever committed or will commit was nailed to the Cross without exception. Because of God’s grace we are never without hope for forgiveness. See how the disciples were concerned about who would be greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus’ surprising answer about serving others. Just like the disciples all of us are going to fail, but there is always forgiveness by God’s grace when we confess our sins.
Sun, Jul 23, 2017
Passage: Matthew 26:36-46 & Mark 14:32-42
Duration: 54 mins 53 secs
Do you wonder why Jesus was so overwhelmed with sorrow in the Garden of Gethsemane? Listen to this lesson to learn what the cup means in this passage. Find out that when Jesus was going to be made sin for us it affected His humanity in a deeply emotional way that did not involve sin. See that all believers stumble at times, even strong ones like Peter. Learn that if any of us deny Christ we will be denied rewards but not lose our salvation. Allow this lesson to teach us the importance of organizing our lives around learning and applying the Word of God.

This class also includes parallel passage Luke 22:39-46.